About Us
ASOPA LIFESTYLE is a vertically integrated textile company, engaged in the manufacture of a wide range of fabrics and garments from state of the art production facilities. The Company was founded in year 1987 .We have successfully evolved into a multi-fiber manufacturing company producing fabrics such as Polyester, Viscose ,Cotton , Nylon , Organza, Taffeta , and various blends. Our fabric, printing techniques, finishing, processing, weaving, stitching are a mark of excellence making every piece of fabric perfect. With fabric manufacturing facilities of 3 million meters per annum, garment manufacturing facilities of 1 million pieces per annum, being expanded to 5 million pieces per annum.
Clothing is one of the strongest human desires. A desire to be different. A desire to look beautiful. A desire to be comfortable. A desire to make a statement. A desire that is fulfilled by that perfect piece of fabric called ‘ASL’. Woven with passion, our fabrics speak a story of novelty. ASL has grown phenomenally and the reason has been our customers. Inspired towards betterment, we now possess the entire know how and technology for yarn dyeing, fabric weaving, processing and garment manufacturing.